
About me

Ivan Salazar

Hi! I'm a Mexican transplant living in Seattle. I've done some front-end development (which I hated) and now some back-end development (which I find exciting) for a tech company.

In tech, and life in general, I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I've been trying to convince myself that the Infinite Monkeys that are typing in the sky don't know what they are doing either and, hence, everything is going to be fine.

I used to work for the biggest database company in the world in their Guadalajara, Mexico office. I was part of the team that develops a monitoring plug-in for their in-memory database.

After the ground-breaking 2011 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence MOOCs, I regret not pursuing those interest instead, as I found them really interesting (and hard!)

While an undergrad, I wrote a MVC web framework from scratch called Lambada for a Lisp-like language.